Thursday, September 22, 2011

Alarm clocks, a great food judge and white clothes

As a city girl growing up in Lincoln, Nebraska, I always yearned to visit a farm.  My family didn't have any relatives that were farm people so I didn't get that opportunity until I was 13.  At Campfire Girls camp one summer I met a friend who was from a small town in Iowa and lived on a farm and low and behold, SHE INVITED ME TO VISIT!!!  I can remember the excitement as I boarded the Greyhound bus, headed east on my week of adventure.  I loved the farm...I got to see things I had never seen, smell things I had never smelled and experience things like riding on a tractor, slopping the pigs, feeding the chickens and I even helped clean the coop!  We got up early on that farm because they had the same alarm clock we have here in the Philippines...

These pictures were all taken this morning as I walked my neighborhood.  I also went to the Palenke this morning to pick up some fresh is the open air market I have told you about before where you can find just about anything you want from dishes to fresh meat.  [I would never buy their meat however as it is not refrigerated and that scares least for now!!]

The Palenke

This man is selling a syrup and soybean mixture on the street that many eat for their breakfast-he walks and yells 'Towelpo'

The work is going great-the family in this photo will be baptized tomorrow-at least the mom, dad and two of the older children.   They have 12 children and some of the adults are already members.  Our joy is seeing families being taught and accepting the gospel.  Last week we saw the fruits of our first teaching experience when Sister Ulep was baptized.  A marvelous day for us all!!
Sister Ulep was baptized by her son who is planning a mission this winter.
Last Saturday, we had a District Women's Pastafest and because he is a willing eater, Elder Shaner was 'elected' to be the judge.  He was very complimentary to all of the entries and was extremely diplomatic in his comments.  The food was great and everyone had a grand time.

They are planning another activity in December and have put me in charge of the craft...hhhmmmm.  What can I teach them that will cost them NO money and yet will be something useful and most importantly, be able to find the supplies here...maybe fabric scrap tied decorated flip flops...what do you think????


  1. It's so fun to see what you're up to. We miss you!

  2. So glad you are enjoying your mission work. Take care and be safe.
    Cyndi Austin
