Leaving a home has always been a traumatic thing for me. I love my homes. They become a reflection of me and my personality. This home in Omaha has been one of the favorite homes we have ever had-I remember my first morning in this home in 2003, waking up in my then new bedroom, stretching and saying aloud, 'good morning house! we are going to have a great friendship' and that we did. All of my children, in-law children and grandchildren except 7 were in that house. Babies visited, rambunctious boys ran up and down the stairs and laughter was heard echoing through the halls. I love to entertain and many showers, farewells, dinner parties, open houses, and such were enjoyed within these walls. The memories are many but it all needs to come to an end for us to accomplish our new goals.
The 'Davids' |
What a fine looking crew! |
Randy and I have moved twelve times in our marriage but only once before have we had to do it ourselves. Lucky people have movers to accomplish this task but luckier ones have friends and support systems...we are the luckier ones! Moving day was physically hard for this old couple but more emotionally hard for this old lady. I knew it would be tough but never expected the emotions that surfaced for me. I am just glad it is over....well almost.
Elder and Sister Mangum |
After the packing was done, the cleaning began and only with the help of some dear and loyal friends-Elder and Sister Mangum came, Karen Bourne came, Cathy Wilkinson came, Cherlyn Call came, Ashley Sansom came, and THEY worked and worked. How grateful I am for those angels!

The final task was one of the hardest for me-a few years ago when Seth was almost 3, his family came to visit and he left me a 'present'...a WikkiStick picture of himself on the back of my front door. I couldn't bring myself to take it off and after the packing was done, the loading accomplished, the cleaning finished I knew it had to be done...
Today will be the official end-a U-Haul currently sits outside of our youngest son's home and this afternoon, will be unloaded with the things he is keeping, then driven 20 miles south to finish the unloading of the things our oldest daughter will be keeping THEN returned to the rental place. For the first time in our 43 years of marriage we are homeless!
Two of my three exhausted boys!!! |
Aren't families great??? I know now why we have kids-when we need them, they are the ones who rally to the cause. Our three sons [cue the song] with the support of their great families gave up a week of their lives to assist us in this job. Chip and Rob flew in from Utah and Todd drove up from Kansas (twice! but that is another story) and we all crashed at 'The Resort' aka the home of wonderful friends, Warren and Claudia. These three boys [I guess they are really men now but they will always be MY boys] have not been together as adults without their wives or children since they were all kids and they really had fun. AND DID THEY WORK!!!
Bottom line...we are now in Utah, staying with our dear friend Kayleen, trying to regroup. Monday will be another adventure...stay tuned.